Minggu, 21 Februari 2010


Who among never named nguap ngalamin even a lifetime? . It must not exist. asked who often nguap meetings or study in the classroom, baruuu on hand ngacungin all ...

Well, kalo nguap catch, ever do? Curious why the hell not nguap be contagious? Here, there are some facts about nguap you need to know

1. Yawning was contagious

Said Steven Platek, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Drexel University, Philadelphia, who conducted the study along with his team believe that yawning is a way of catching the primitive shown by others to express empathy. He said, "" Yawning is not only triggered because seeing someone yawn, but also for listening, reading, or even just thinking about yawning, "Wow ... this reply is true, it is also a great human body's ability to empathize with each other. So, if there are people who do not have empathy at all to anyone else that violates nature ...:-D

2. Evaporated to maintain the brain temperature

Apparently, when we yawn, it's not always a sign of sleepiness, boredom, or lack of oxygen lho. Yawning may be precisely because our brains are trying to maximize concentration. Says psychologist Gordon Gallup is doing research on this shows that yawning is a way to keep the body temperature of the brain. Like a machine that is used continuously with a large capacity that requires rapid cooling to not Soak, as well as the brain.

The results of this study is strengthened by testing done at the University of Albany. Some students were asked to watch a recording of people who were first asked to menguap.kelompok head dg compress cold pack, and the two head groups are not compressed or compressed it with hot compresses. Result, the first kelompuk bandwagon not evaporate while the second group come yawning contagious.

3. Frequent yawning could be a sign that something was wrong with the body

Yawning is a normal and natural thing, but do not be trivialized when its intensity exceeds the limits considered normal for this bias to be a body alarm on lack Cambota happens in the body, either mild to severe. Irregularities body marked by frequent yawns in between as follows.

* Suffering from nervous diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis and Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis
* Suffering from low blood with blood pressure 90/60 mmHg. People who have low blood tension usually frequent yawning, dizziness and fatigue quickly.
* As a result of taking certain medications.
* Use anti-depressant.
* Fatigue is very, very.

There is another fact-finding?

oh iye was just made just share doang .. gak mudah2an Repsol
cendolnya ya gan ask, do not dibatai ane mwacck ~

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