Jumat, 05 Februari 2010

Budaya Hang Out pada Anak

In adults, hang out a medium for socializing or meeting with colleagues. The proliferation of places convenient to gather together friends and colleagues, such as restaurants, malls and cafes encourage this habit becomes a necessity. Today, this culture has entered the small community because of the influence of social life that used to gather in certain places like an adult.

According to the counselor education from the University of Paramadina, Fatchiah Kertamuda MSc, hang out is defined as activities undertaken with peers and family for relaxation or fun. Basically, kids do not understand the true meaning of hang out. In the minds of children, means hanging out as far to go and have fun together. Learning activities together or playing at a friend's home was categorized as an activity to hang out.

The need to hang out activity in children is different from adults. Children do not have the concept of an adult needs. They just follow the habits of adults such as chatting or joking in cafes, malls and restaurants. However, the child actually does require a certain age for social activities. Hang out can be a medium to fulfill the task of child development. "From the age of 7-8 years, children learn to get along with peers, more self-reliant, forming attitudes toward the group, and developing conscience, morality, and attitude," said Fatchiah.

Child development psychologist from the UI, Lot Savitri Msi, also revealed the company of friends becomes an important thing for children, especially in the age of 9-10 years. At this time, children want to find out the environment outside the family and home, one way to hang out with friends. ''So do not be surprised if it sometimes seemed like disobedient children or rebel because of the greater friend than a parent,''he said.

Savitri added, children can begin to hang out depending on the social environment, since when parents allow children to socialize with friends. Will differ between children who grew up in an environment that has a permit out of the house with friends since elementary school, junior high, high school, or even college. If at the elementary school age children are allowed, then this culture certainly no stranger to the eye and in her future, so often made by a child needs.

Through hang out, go Savitri, children can also ensure the identity itself, ie whether or not considered popular. To go to a specific group of children will often meet the requirements, often referred to conformity. The reason kids like to hang out, because of the feeling of togetherness with your friends. They could share anything without fear of being judged. "Children are able to assume his choice, so the rule is felt disturbing at times. While friends do not give rules, "he explained.

In addition, children can make decisions for himself and others and feel free to do any activities. Generally, activities that used to hang out do the other kids, eating and drinking in a fast-food restaurant, chatting or exchanging goods collection, the movies, shopping, and playing games. "Hang out the child perceived as one of the stages of development needs, namely the need socialization and autonominya," said Savitri.

Influence People VS Concerns Parents

These group activities are also profoundly influenced the social development of children include child's desire to adjust to social demands. Through relationships with peers, children will learn to think independently, be able to make decisions, and accept the views and values other than the family environment. To be accepted in their environment, children will learn acceptable behavior patterns of the group. "Through this activity will occur either transfer value things that are positive to negative," said Fatchiah.

Quite often this can also affect the child's self concept. If hanging out does not give meaning to the child, it will cause the child is not comfortable with the group, such as interest or habit in the group not in accordance with their interests. Children feel rejected and do not feel accepted in the group. As a result, the child having trouble adjusting. "Often children are afraid of not recognized by his friends that will try to follow the rules in the group even worse," added Fatchiah.

Fatchiah also regretted the choice to hang out where kids are not in accordance with the stage of development such as cafes, or restaurants. The reason, these places are generally more accessible than the adult community of children. So that the children were getting closer to the adult habits such as smoking and so on. Therefore, parents must observe a choice place to hang out children. Should choose a place that does have elements and appropriate education for children, such as art galleries, zoo, playground, and so on.

Choice of place to hang out and activities that can cause false kekhwatiran parents.

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