Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

Kecelakaan Pesawat TNI AU Jatuh di Magetan

kecelakaan pesawat tni au di magetan
Kecelakaan Pesawat TNI AU Jatuh di Magetan.Jakarta - Pangdam Brawijaya V Mayjen TNI Suwarno states, the number of people who have evacuated ,Hercules aircraft from the wreckage of the ill-fated Magetan as many as 72 people. As many as 59 of them died. 

Including the victim is killed Marsekal Marsma Harsono Panglima Komando Sekhanudnas in Biak, Papua. 

"From the information that we can successfully dievakuasi the 72, 13 of them critically, and the rest died and 59 of them in conditions not animate. Marsekal Includes Marsma Harsono Panglima Komando Sekhanudnas in Biak," said Suwarno when contacted journalists. Suwarno confess to travel in Madiun, Wednesday (20/5/2009). 

The passenger who was critically RS Lanud Iswahyudi Madiun. "If you are not able to accommodate in the hospital, and kita akan larikan to another hospital in Madiun," he added. 
(fat / NRL)

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

1 way to protect against Swine Flu

So its been all over the news about this new
killer swine flu virus. The media have built it
up and got a lot of people worried.

But because I work from home, and don't have to
interact with lots of people at work, the chances
of me catching other peoples germs are remote.

If you want to work from home yourself, click the
link below for one of the most complete courses
on how to do it...


This course is only being made available for another
6 days.

There has never been a better time to finally
quit your day job and work from the comfort of
your own home.

Everything is laid out, all you have to do is take