Selasa, 31 Maret 2009


BENDUNGAN JATILUHUR Based on class according to the ICOLD dam, dam dam Jatiluhur is a urugan type  flake (Zone DAMS, rockfill DAMS), namely the dam was built from the results of excavation material (material) without additional material forming the original dam consists of several layers is a waterproof layer (water tight layer), layer of rock (rock zone shell), regular layer of stone (nin-rap) and layer dryer (filter zones) (soedibyo, 1993)

As with any other dam-man-made dam, dam's Jatiluhur also prone to deformation caused by a variety of cargo and cargo-styles among heavy dam itself, pore pressure, pressure hidrostatis, and the influence of other factors.

Waspada situ gintung lainya

Realize that with Indonesia, including one of the most disaster-prone countries, and have the ability of that have not been adequate, the disaster response needs to be seen to be developed as a science, technology, policy, practice and profession for the welfare of the community. Disaster-prone areas expanded, the disaster that occurred more often, complex, and varied. Handling of the situation requires comprehensive and coordinated with all parties involved berazaskan humanity. Recognizing that disaster management is a shared responsibility, we, the people who care about the disaster response, can rally for a role in realizing the disaster response is better.Waspada situ gintung lainnya

Waduk Buatan Rawan Rusak

Bandung, Kompas - Reservoir or artificial lake in West Java prone damaged. The causes are sedimentation, dam age, and high rainfall. Therefore, the repair and rehabilitation must be done immediately. According to the Head of Operations and Maintenance Department of Water Resources Endang Kusnadi West Java, on Monday (30 / 3) in Bandung, now there are about 500 lake or reservoir in West Java.
Waduk Buatan Rawan Rusak
As many as 20 reservoirs, or large scale there, with a 15 meter high water capacity and more than 500,000 cubic meters. Of 20 large-scale reservoirs, 14 reservoirs were made in the wall patch is a 500,000 m3 to 2.5 billion m3. Reservoir or lake is the average age of 30 years.

"In such Juanda in Purwakarta, Cirata, Saguling, Cipancuh, and Darma," he said.

According to Endang, artificial reservoir or lake more prone to damage than natural reservoir or lake. The reason, there have reservoirs or building age-dependent care. Some things to diwaspadai movement is building dam, seepage along the grain of dam wall, to the top of the dam building

Konstruksi Bendungan

Metode pengontrolan sungai selama pelaksanaan konstruksi bendungan
Dam Dam Three Three cliff or canyon or ravine Three Dam (Hanzi simple: located in the Yangtze River (river terpanjang third in the world) in Sandouping, Yichang, Hubei province, China. Construction began in 1994. Dam this will be the largest dam hidroelektrik in the world when completed in 2009. Reception of this start on 1 June 2003, and will occupy the area Three beautiful canyon, between the city of Yichang, Hubei, and Fuling, Chongqing.
As another dam is being built, this dam is also dam the correct one concerning the controversial project. The supporting point to the economic benefits of flood control and power hidroelektrik. The opponent about the future of 1.9 million people will be moved; arkeologikal location and loss of a valuable cultural, and also the impact on the environment.