Sabtu, 13 Desember 2008 is a total association between 700 of the important worlds the majority of O.N.G.s - charities as except the children, the Red Cross, Amnesty International, the OXFAM and much of others. Together we want to make the world better, when it come to the wellbeing from the animals, the human rights, the poverty of combat and with climate changes etc And we do this while allowing the customers on line in the world to everywhere support their preferred charity, when they make shopping on line. In more than 5000 online stores in fact! What returns to us single, as, is as the users right must download a small piece of AidMaker software called.
Afterwards, all functions automatically, and your computer is transformed into charitable tool. Then after having downloaded AidMaker, you can support your charity preferred for free while you made shopping. You pay the normal price of store your product but the retailer gives part of the purchase to the cause which you decided to support. 75 percent of all the purchase price will go then to charity.

It is a very new manner to give the power to the people, because you obtain to decide where the money should disappear which allows you to transform purchases of power into power of purchases!
One of the greatest reasons of the success of the aGoodCause is than once you installed the software of AidMaker, you should not remember to allow the program or Re-of choosing your preferred cause each time you online store. The software does it for you. You go just on line and AidMaker makes the rest - but you are always