Selasa, 14 Oktober 2008



Diarsipkan di bawah: artikel — rofiqahmad

Created by: Rusana, S.Kep., Ns./

Pengertian Dasar: Beranjak dari status quo
Pengertian Praktis:
1. Tumbuh/ pertumbuhan
2. Kembang/ perkembangan/ berkembang
3. Gerak/ pergerakan/ bergerak
4. Transformasi/ peralihan/ beralih
5. Pembaharuan/ inovasi/ modernisasi
6. Hidup

Berubah (Change)
“An act of process that makes something or someone different in some way”
“The process og moving from one system to another”
“Transition to a different end”

Sifat Kejadian
1. Berubah dan proses berubah menyetu dengan hidup dan kehidupan manusia
2. Berubah dan proses berubah menyatu dengan alam semesta
3. Berubah dan proses berubah merupakan proses yang berkelanjutan

Berubah dan Manusia/ Masyarakat
1. Lahir-tumbuh-kembang-dewasa-pembiakan
2. Lahir- tumbuh-kembang-mati
3. Senang-susah; sehat-sakit
4. Budaya-tata nilai; tradisional-modern
5. Pergolakan/ pergerakan/ mobilitas masyarakat
6. Berpikir/ berkehendak/ berupaya/ belajar

Faktor Yang Mendukung Perubahan
1. Perubahan dipandang sebagai sesuatu yang positif oleh target berubah
2. Perubahan sesuai dengan nilai-nilai dan norma yang diyakini
3. Perubahan sederhana dan konkrit
4. Target berubah dilibatkan sejak fase awal
5. Perubahan dilakukan pada skala kecil dulu  evaluasi dan antisipasi permasalahan pada skala besar
6. Pemimpin dan tokoh kelompok dilibatkan
7. Komunikasi terbuka antara target berubah & inovator (change agent)
8. Evaluasi sebagai bagian dari proses berubah

Respon Terhadap Perubahan
1. Menerima dan mendukung
2. Tidak menerima - tidak mendukung
3. Menolak:
a. takut akan sesuatu yang tidak pasti (loss of predictability)
b. takut akan kehilangan pengaruh
c. takut akan kehilangan ketrampilan & proficiency
d. takut kehilangan reward, benefit
e. takut akan kehilangan respect, dukungan, kasih sayang
f. takut gagal



Manusia dan Proses Berubah
Pada hakekatnya manusia mempunyai kebutuhan untuk:
1. merubah keseimbangan personal, sosial, organisasional
2. mengadakan penyelidikan dan eksplorasi
3. mengadakan perubahan/ mengadakan penyempurnaan
4. menerapkan ide-ide baru dan konsep-konsep baru
5. mengusahakan untuk mencapai hal-hal yang kelihatannya belum dicapai

berubah merupakan bagian dari hidup dan kehidupan manusia
berubah menyatu dengan hidup dan kehidupan manusia
berubah merupakan cara hidup manusia

change–> a way of life
the time are changed, and we are changed within them
kita adalah bagian dari perubahan/ berubah itu sendiri

Macam Proses Perubahan

A. Perubahan ditinjau dari sifat proses:

1. Perubahan Spontan

- sebagai respon terhadap kejadian alamiah yang terkontrol
- perubahan yang akan terjadi tidak dapat diramalkan sebelumnya

2. Perubahan pada perkembangan

perkembangan/ kemajuan yang terjadi pada individu, kelompok dan organisasi dalam pertumbuhan-perkembangan

3. Perubahan yang direncanakan

Sebagai upaya yang bertujuan untuk mencapai tingkat yang lebih baik, dapat dikontrol

B. Perubahan ditinjau dari sifat keterlibatan

1. Perubahan partisipatif

- Melalui penyediaan informasi yang cukup
- Adanya sikap positif terhadap inovasi
- Timbulnya komitmen

2. Perubahan paksaan (coerced change)

- Melalui perubahan total dari organisasi
- Memerlukan kekuatan personal (personal power)

C. Perubahan ditinjau dari sifat pengelolaan
1. Perubahan berencana

-  menyesuaikan kegiatan dengan tujuan
-  Dengan titik mula yang jelas dan dipersipkan, sesuai dengan tujuan yang akan dicapai

2. Perubahan acak/ kacau

- Tanpa usaha mempersiapkan titik awal perubahan
- Tidak ada usaha mempersipakan kegiatan sesuai dengan tujuan

Asal dari Perubahan
Tiga klasifikasi utama asal perubahan/ berubah, satu dengan yang lainnya saling mempengaruhi, menerima dampak/ efek perubahan itu sendiri
1. Perubahan struktural-institusional
- Perubahan struktur pendidikan
- Perubahan struktur organisasi
- Perubahan kedudukan institusi
2. Perubahan teknologikal
- Bioteknologi
- Penemuan-penemuan teknologi jet, komputer, televisi
3. Perubahan perilaku sosial
- Perubahan pendangan/ keyakinan tentang hidup dan kehidupan

Tipe Berubah Yang Terdapat pada Proses Adaptasi/ Adopsi (Havelock)
Tipe atau bentuk berubah yang diperlukan sehingga dapat terjadi adaptasi atau adopsi, pada perubahan tingkah laku
1. Substitusi (substitution)
Hal yang diintroduksikan merupakan substitusi/ pengganti dari hal yang sudah ada
2. Perubahan (alteration)
Hal yang diintroduksikan merubah/ mengadakan perubahan dari hal yang sudah ada
3. Penambahan (addition)
Hal yang diintoduksikan menambah/ merupakan tambahan hal yang sudah ada
4. Membentuk/ membangun kembali (restructuring)
Membentuk/ membangun kembali sesuatu yang lain, dengan bahan/ sumber yang ada
5. Menghilangkan pola perilaku lama (eliminating of old behavioural pattern)
Menghilangkan/ menghapus pola perilaku lama
6. Memperkuat pola perilaku lama (reinforcing of old behavioural pattern)
Memperkuat keberadaan/ dianutnya pola perilaku lama

Bentuk Berubah Ditinjau dari Proses Terjadinya Perubahan (Bennis W)
Bentuk/ tipe berubah ditinjau dari bentuk proses yang terjadi pada proses perubahan

1. Perubahan berencana (planned change)
- Apa tujuan berubah
- Apa yang harus dirubah
- Bagaimana harus berubah
- direncanakan bersama secara kolaboratif antara klien dan change agent
2. Perubahan secara indoktrinasi (indoctrination change)
Menetapkan tujuan secara cermat bersama, akan tetapi dengan kekuatan sepihak/ unilateral (unilateral power)
3. Perubahan secara paksaan (coercive change)
Menetapkan tujuan sepihak dengan kekuatan unilateral dan kontrol
4. Perubahan secara teknokratik (tchnocratic change)
Dengan urunan kekuatan (shared power) menetapkan tujuan unilateral, satu pihak menetapkan tujuan dan pihak lain membantu mencapai tujuan, tanpa menanyakan tentang nilai tujuan
Berdasarkan pengumpulan dan analisa data
5. Perubahan secara interaksional (interactional change)
Urunan kekuatan, dalam keadaan dimana tujuan tidak terlalu dipikirkan
6. Perubahan secara sosialisasi (socialization change)
Kekuatan unilateral, akan tetapi tujuan dicapai secara bersama/ kolaboratif
7. Perubahan secara menirukan (emultif change)
Kekuatan unilateral, tujuan tidak dirumuskan dengan benar
8. Perubahan secara alami (natural change)
Urunan kekuatan, akan tetapi tanpa rumusan tujuan  perubahan yang tidak direncanakan, aksidental

Strategi Berubah (Chin & Benne)
bagaimana mengadakan perubahan
rangkaian kegiatan dalam mengadakan perubahan
1. Strategi rasional-empirik (empirical-rational strategies)
- Asumsi dasar: manusia adalah rasional
- Riset dasar dan desiminasi ilmu pengetahuan melalui pendidikan umum,  diyakini bahwa perubahan itu diperlukan
- Pemilihan personel dan penggantian dari mereka yang tidak sesuai dengan posisi yang diduduki; diperlukan orang yang tepat untuk jabatan/ posisi yang tepat (the right person in the right position)
- System analysts sebagai staf dan konsultan, terutama yang berhubungan dengan kesukaran/ masalah sistem
2. Strategi reedukatif normatif (normative-reeducative strategies), didasarkan pada:
- Pola kegiatan dan perbuatan didukung oleh norma sosiokultural, dan oleh komitmen individual terhadap norma-norma tersebut
- Norma sosiokultural didukung oleh sikap dan sistem nilai individual
- Pendekatan normatif-reedukatif untuk mengadakan perubahan, melalui intervensi langsung dari “change agent”, intervensi yang didasarkan pada penerapan teori berubah yang mantap, ke dalam kehidupan sistem klien, baik individu, kelompok, organisasi atau komuniti
- Beberapa elemen yang lazimnya terdapat pada pendekatan ini:

- Pelibatan klien dalam proses penyusunan proses berubah; cara klien melihat dirinya sendiri dan melihat masalahnya harus diperhatikan dan dipadukan dengan pandangan change agent
- Melihat kemungkinan bahwa masalah terletak pada sikap, nilai norma, dan hubungan internal/ eksternal dari sistem klien, dan yang mungkin memerlukan perubahan arau reedukasi, sebagai kondisi untuk mengadakan penyelesaian masalah
- Change agent harus mempelajari cara intervensi timbal balik dan kolaboratif
- Unsur-unsur yang tidak disadari memberi saham/ mempunyai pengaruh pada penyelesaian masalah, harus dibawa ke permukaan
- Metode dan konsep ilmu perilaku merupakan sumber yang digunakan change agent dan klien secara selektif, relevan dan benar
Pendekatan ini brtolak pada pandangan bahwa people technology sama pentingnya dengan thing technology dalam mengadakan perubahan yang baik dalam persoalan manusia

3. Strategi paksaan - kekuatan (power coercive approaches)
- Didasarkan pada penggunaan kekuatan/ kekuasaan pada umumnya didasarkan pada sanksi ekonomi dan politik
- Bentuk strategi coercive lainnya adalah dengan menggunakan moral power dan political power:

- Menggunakan institusi politik
- Melalui rekomposisi dan manipulasi kelompok penguasa (power elite)
- Mengadakan perbaikan strategi (bila diperlukan)
- Mengimplementasikan proyek perubhan (change project)
- Mengadakan observasi dan mengendalikan/ mengatasi hambatan
- Mengadakan evaluasi hasil perubahan/ berubah
- Memformulasikan rekomendasi untuk kegiatan masa depan atau modifikasi

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keperawatan komunitas

keperawatan komunitas

Pengkajian komunitas merupakan suatu proses; merupakan upaya untuk dapat mengenal masyarakat. Warga masyarakat merupakan mitra dan berkontribusi terhadap keseluruhan proses. Tujuan keperawatan dalam mengkaji komunitas adalah mengidentifikasi faktor-faktor (baik positif maupun negatif) yang mempengaruhi kesehatan warga masyarakat agar dapat mengembangkan startegi promosi kesehatan. Hancock dan Minkler (1997), mengemukakan bahwa, ”bagi profesional kesehatan yang peduli tentang...membangun masyarakat yang sehat, ada dua alasan dalam melakukan pengkajian kesehatan komunitas : informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk perubahan dan pemberdayaan. “kita roda pengkajian komunitas yang meliputi pendidikan, lingkungan, rekreasi,ekonomi,komunikasi,pelayanan kesehatan, dan sosial politik pemerintahan, serta keamanan transportasi.
Perawatan kesehatan msyarakat merupakan bidang khusus dalam ilmu keperawatan, yang merupakan gabungan ilmu keperawatn, ilmu kesehatan masyarakat dan sosial (WHO,1959). Suatu bidang dalam keperawatan yang merupakan perpaduan antara keperawatan dan kesehatan masyarakat dengan dukungan peran serta masyarakat. Dalam pelaksanaan asuhan keperawatan komunitas ada 3 teori yang menjadi dasar yaitu :
1.Ilmu keperawatan. Konsep keperawatan dikarakteristikan oleh 4 komponen konsep pokok yang menjadi paradigma keperawatan yang menggambarkan hubungan teori yang membentuk susunan yang mengatur teori tersebut yaitu : konsep manusia, konsep kesehatan, konsep masyarakat dan konsep keperawatan.(Christine Ibrahim, 1986).
2.Ilmu kesehatan masyarakat. Dalam mengaplikasikan praktek pelayanan komunitas diperlukan pengetahuan penunjang yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan masyarakat, dalam melihat perseptik proses terjadinya masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang erat kaitannya dengan ilmu epidemiologi, ilmu statistik kesehatan sehingga masalah tersebut diketahui faktor penyebab dan alternatif pemecahannya.
3.Ilmu sosial. Pengetahuan sosial kemasyarakatan penting untuk dipahami oleh seorang perawat kesehatan masyarakat dalam menjalankan tugasnya , sebab dia akan berhadapan dengan kelompok-kelompok sosial dalam masyarakat. Dengan memahami pengetahuan ilmu pengetahuan sosial, perawat kesehatan masyarakat dapat melakukan pendekatan untuk merubah prilaku masyarakat ke arah positif dalam memelihara kesehatan keluarga, kelompok, dan masyarakat sehingga menuju kemandirian, dimana mereka diharapkan dapat mengenal dan merumuskan masalah kesehatan dan keperawatn yang mereka hadapi, memprioritaskan dan mencari alternatif pemecahan masalah melalui perencanaan bersama kemudian melakukan kegiatan bersama berdasarkan perencanaan yang mereka buat serta menilai hasil yang telah dicapai.

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how Business Models with an Impact beyond $

Business Models with an Impact beyond $

We are living in exciting times. Some entrepreneurs involved in business model innovation are not only seeking for financial returns, but are also aiming at achieving social, development and environmental returns. In other words, money and fame are not their only motivators. They want to have an impact. What is interesting is that they are aiming at combining financial AND social success. These entrepreneurs try to prove that these two are not necessarily contradictory.

There are are a couple of interesting business models out there that I follow with quite some fascination. Grameen Phone is a telecom company founded by Iqbal Quadir, that has brought connectivity to rural areas in Bangladesh. What is interesting about their business model is that they partnered with the world famous micro finance institution Grameen Bank to exploit synergies.

I also very much like the business model of MyC4, which allows you and me to make loans to small businesses in developing countries. This means that I can diversify my investments away from the unstable global equity markets towards uncorrelated small businesses in developing economies. I make a return on my investment, while helping boost development. Really exciting.

I am very much a believer in the fact that you can do good while doing well. This is not about "giving back", but about creating value while making a difference. Since this is an area that I'm interested in I decided to help run a workshop on the topic in London this coming Thursday. Check out "Disruptive models: The art and science of VISUAL BUSINESS MODEL DESIGN for breakthrough social innovation" if you are curious (or sign-up if you are in London).

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Kamis, 09 Oktober 2008

suplemen Cabergoline (Oral Route)

suplemen Cabergoline (Oral Route)

US Brand Names

* Dostinex

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Cabergoline is used to treat different types of medical problems that occur when too much of the hormone prolactin is produced. It can be used to treat certain menstrual problems, fertility problems in men and women, and pituitary prolactinomas (tumors of the pituitary gland).

It works by stopping the brain from making and releasing the prolactin hormone from the pituitary. Cabergoline use is usually stopped when prolactin levels are normal for 6 months. It may be given again if symptoms of too much prolactin occur again.

This medicine is available only with your doctor's prescription.

This product is available in the following dosage forms:

* Tablet

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Before Using

In deciding to use a medicine, the risks of taking the medicine must be weighed against the good it will do. This is a decision you and your doctor will make. For this medicine, the following should be considered:


Tell your doctor if you have ever had any unusual or allergic reaction to this medicine or any other medicines. Also tell your health care professional if you have any other types of allergies, such as to foods, dyes, preservatives, or animals. For non-prescription products, read the label or package ingredients carefully.


Appropriate studies have not been performed on the relationship of age to the effects of cabergoline in the pediatric population. Safety and efficacy have not been established .


Appropriate studies performed to date have not demonstrated geriatrics-specific problems that would limit the usefulness of cabergoline in the elderly. However, elderly patients are more likely to have age-related liver, kidney, or heart problems, which may require caution and adjustment of dosage in patients receiving cabergoline .

Pregnancy Category Explanation
All Trimesters B Animal studies have revealed no evidence of harm to the fetus, however, there are no adequate studies in pregnant women OR animal studies have shown an adverse effect, but adequate studies in pregnant women have failed to demonstrate a risk to the fetus.


Studies suggest that this medication may alter milk production or composition. If an alternative to this medication is not prescribed, you should monitor the infant for side effects and adequate milk intake.

Drug Interactions

Although certain medicines should not be used together at all, in other cases two different medicines may be used together even if an interaction might occur. In these cases, your doctor may want to change the dose, or other precautions may be necessary. Tell your healthcare professional if you are taking any other prescription or nonprescription (over-the-counter [OTC]) medicine.

Other Interactions

Certain medicines should not be used at or around the time of eating food or eating certain types of food since interactions may occur. Using alcohol or tobacco with certain medicines may also cause interactions to occur. Discuss with your healthcare professional the use of your medicine with food, alcohol, or tobacco.

Other Medical Problems

The presence of other medical problems may affect the use of this medicine. Make sure you tell your doctor if you have any other medical problems, especially:

* Fibrotic disorders (scar-like tissues in the heart or lungs), or history of or
* High blood pressure, uncontrolled—Should not be used in patients with these conditions .

* Heart disease (or history of) or
* Lung disorder (or history of)—Use with caution. Cabergoline may worsen these conditions .

* High blood pressure or
* High blood pressure of pregnancy (or history of)—Cabergoline usually decreases blood pressure but at times it may increase blood pressure and worsen these conditions.

* Liver disease, mild to severe—Cabergoline may worsen this condition; a lower dose of cabergoline may be required.

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Proper Use

Do not take more or less of it than your doctor ordered.


The dose of this medicine will be different for different patients. Follow your doctor's orders or the directions on the label. The following information includes only the average doses of this medicine. If your dose is different, do not change it unless your doctor tells you to do so.

The amount of medicine that you take depends on the strength of the medicine. Also, the number of doses you take each day, the time allowed between doses, and the length of time you take the medicine depend on the medical problem for which you are using the medicine.

* For oral dosage form (tablets):
o For disorders of high prolactin levels or pituitary tumors:
+ Adults—0.25 milligram (mg) two times a week. Dose may be increased every four weeks as needed, according to body prolactin levels, up to 1 mg two times a week.
+ Children—Use and dose must be determined by the doctor .

Missed Dose

If you miss a dose of this medicine, take it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular dosing schedule. Do not double doses.

However, if it is almost time for your next dose, check with your doctor to see if you can double your dose.


Store the medicine in a closed container at room temperature, away from heat, moisture, and direct light. Keep from freezing.

Ask your healthcare professional how you should dispose of any medicine you do not use.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Do not keep outdated medicine or medicine no longer needed.
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It is important that your doctor check your progress at regular visits while you are taking this medicine to make sure that this medicine is working properly and to check for unwanted effects .

This medicine may cause some people to become drowsy, dizzy, or less alert than they are normally. Make sure you know how you react to this medicine before you drive, use machines, or do other jobs that require you to be alert.

Dizziness, lightheadedness, or fainting may occur, especially when you get up from a lying or sitting position. Getting up slowly may help.

Tell your doctor right away if you think you have become pregnant. You and your doctor should discuss whether you should continue to take this medicine during pregnancy.

Check with your doctor right away if you have symptoms of fainting, hallucinations, lightheadedness, stuffy nose, or racing heart.

This medicine may increase your risk of having problems with your heart valves. Check with your doctor right away if you notice any signs or symptoms of heart disease, such as chest pain or tightness; troubled breathing; shortness of breath; extreme tiredness; or swelling in your hands, ankles, or feet .

Also tell your doctor if you have persistent cough along with shortness of breath or troubled breathing while you are using this medicine. This could be symptoms of a serious lung disorder called pulmonary fibrosis .
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Side Effects

Along with its needed effects, a medicine may cause some unwanted effects. Although not all of these side effects may occur, if they do occur they may need medical attention.

Check with your doctor as soon as possible if any of the following side effects occur:
More common

* Abdominal pain
* Sensation that you are moving in space or that objects are moving around you (vertigo)


* Changes in vision
* Difficulty in concentrating
* Dizziness or fainting when getting up suddenly from a lying or sitting position
* Loss of appetite
* Swelling of hands, ankles, feet, or lower legs
* Unusually fast heartbeat
* Weight gain or loss

Incidence not determined

* Chest pain or tightness
* Cough
* Decreased ability to exercise
* Fever
* Shortness of breath
* Trouble in breathing

Symptoms of overdose

* Fainting
* Hallucinations
* Lightheadedness
* Racing heart
* Stuffy nose

Some side effects may occur that usually do not need medical attention. These side effects may go away during treatment as your body adjusts to the medicine. Also, your health care professional may be able to tell you about ways to prevent or reduce some of these side effects. Check with your health care professional if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome or if you have any questions about them:
More common

* Constipation
* Dizziness
* Headache
* Nausea or stomach discomfort
* Weakness

Less common

* Burning, itching, or stinging of the skin
* Diarrhea
* Dry mouth or toothache
* Gas
* General feeling of discomfort or illness
* Hot flashes
* Mental depression
* Muscle or joint pain
* Runny nose
* Sleepiness
* Sore throat
* Trouble in sleeping
* Vomiting

Other side effects not listed may also occur in some patients. If you notice any other effects, check with your healthcare professional.

Pertanyaan seputar Kolestrol tinggi

What is the role of cholesterol in Alzheimer's disease? Does having high cholesterol increase my risk of Alzheimer's?

There is very little evidence to indicate that a high blood level of cholesterol has any bearing on the risk of Alzheimer's disease. Although a few studies have made this claim, the vast majority of research has found no link between high cholesterol and Alzheimer's.

Several clinical trials are under way to determine if cholesterol-lowering drugs can prevent or delay Alzheimer's disease. But such drugs are not being tested in people with elevated cholesterol levels. Instead, it appears that some cholesterol-lowering drugs may coincidentally affect a process that increases the risk of Alzheimer's — unrelated to their effect on cholesterol.

It's premature at this time to recommend cholesterol treatment to prevent Alzheimer's. More research is needed to clarify whether cholesterol medications may play a role in preventing or treating Alzheimer's.Pertanyaan seputar Kolestrol tinggi

Penyebab Alzheimer

Risk factors

Alzheimer's is a complex disease likely caused by a combination of factors — such as infection or reduced circulation — and genetic susceptibility. Although all the contributing factors may never be known, scientists have identified several common threads. They include:

  • Age. Alzheimer's usually affects people older than 65, but can, rarely, affect those younger than 40. Less than 5 percent of people between 65 and 74 have Alzheimer's. For people 85 and older, that number jumps to nearly 50 percent.
  • Heredity. Your risk of developing Alzheimer's appears to be slightly higher if a first-degree relative — parent, sister or brother — has the disease. Although the genetic mechanisms of Alzheimer's among families remain largely unexplained, researchers have identified a few genetic mutations that greatly increase risk in some families. Three genetic mutations are known to cause early-onset Alzheimer's. In addition, one form of the apolipoprotein E (APOE) gene increases your chance of developing late-onset Alzheimer's.
  • Sex. Women are more likely than men are to develop the disease, in part because they live longer.
  • Lifestyle. The same factors that put you at risk of heart disease, such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol, may also increase the likelihood that you'll develop Alzheimer's disease. Poorly controlled diabetes is another risk factor. And keeping your body fit isn't your only concern — you've got to exercise your mind as well. Some studies have suggested that remaining mentally active throughout your life, especially in your later years, reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease.
  • Education levels. Studies have found an association between less education and the risk of Alzheimer's. Some researchers theorize that the more you use your brain, the more synapses you create, which provides a greater reserve as you age. It remains unclear, however, whether less education and less mental activity create a risk of Alzheimer's or if it's simply harder to detect Alzheimer's in people who exercise their minds frequently or who have more education.
  • Toxicity. One long-standing theory is that overexposure to certain trace metals or chemicals may cause Alzheimer's. For a time, aluminum seemed a likely candidate, because some people with Alzheimer's have deposits of aluminum in their brains. After many years of studies, however, no one has been able to link aluminum exposure directly to Alzheimer's. At this point, there's no evidence that any particular substance increases a person's risk of Alzheimer's.
  • Head injury. The observation that some ex-boxers eventually develop dementia suggests that serious traumatic injury to the head (for example, a concussion with a prolonged loss of consciousness) may be a risk factor for Alzheimer's. Several studies indicate a definite link between the two, but others show no link.
  • Hormone replacement therapy. The exact role hormone replacement therapy may play in the development of dementia isn't yet clear. Throughout the 1980s and '90s, evidence seemed to show that estrogen supplements given after menopause could reduce the risk of dementia. But results from the large-scale Women's Health Initiative Memory Study indicated an increased risk of dementia for women taking estrogen after age 65. The verdict is not yet in on whether estrogen affects the risk of dementia if given at an earlier age.Penyebab Alzheimer

Definition Alzheimer 'disease


Alzheimer 'disease of S is the most common cause of the insanity, which is the loss of intellectual abilities and social enough serious to interfere daily operation. The insanity occurs in the people with Alzheimer 'disease of S because the fabric of healthy brain degenerates, causing a regular decline in the memory and of the mental capacities.

Approximately 4 million older Americans has Alzheimer 's, a disease which usually develops in the age 65 people or more old man. One expects that this number triples by the year 2050 like ages of population.

Although there 's no treatment for Alzheimer 'disease of S, researchers achieved progress. The treatments are available which improve quality of life for some with Alzheimer 's. Moreover, more drugs are studied, and the scientists discovered several genes related to Alzheimer with 's, which can lead to new treatments to block the progression of this complex disease.

While waiting for, to deal with somebody with Alzheimer 's takes patience and a hearth on the things that a person can make and still appreciate. Those with Alzheimer 's - as well as those which worry about them - need the support and the affection of the friends and the family to face.